My Grandfather, Stephen J. Bogdanffy, in front of his first chicken coop, in Elizaville, NY 1930, age 8.

To begin…

Katie Bogdanffy here, owner of Yellow Bell Farm. Being a 3rd generation poultry farmer. I grew up with a hands on appreciation for farming, chickens, and feeding our community. Today I continue this tradition on my own farm. At Yellow Bell Farm we specialize in producing fresh, hand raised and hand processed chicken, pastured brown eggs, and pastured heirloom eggs.

Our farm mission: Providing a fresh, healthy, local protein for customers is the mission of Yellow Bell Farm. Our chicken and eggs are of the highest quality, flavorful and super fresh! We are a 100% antibiotic free farm.

For the love of EGGS: Yellow Bell Farm egg yolks are a deep golden orange a reward of happy foraging hens.  Our chickens’ mobile houses provide safety and shade in the day, and a safe cozy place to lay their eggs and roost at night. During daylight our chickens are free to go in and out of their coops as they please. Our chickens are protected from predators by solar powered electric fences. We also have feisty flock guardian roosters on patrol ready to alert and protect their hens. Mobile coops are moved routinely to allow chickens to rotationally graze on fresh pasture.


What makes Yellow Bell Farm chicken so special?  The attention to detail, old world knowledge, expertise, and love that goes into producing our delicious fresh chicken. Every step of the way your chicken is handled with care. Our chickens are slaughtered on farm (eliminating the travel stress of being transported to a slaughterhouse). Also ensuring our chickens are handled humanely and properly. These factors yield a premium quality chicken.

Licensing: Our on farm slaughter facility is NYS Licensed and inspected. We have an “A” level inspection rating. We also comply with USDA Food Safety Inspections.


Sustainability: Our feed is milled locally, using locally grown grains. Helping local agricultural economy to thrive and yielding a low carbon footprint. Good stewardship of the land: we rotationally graze our chickens on pasture. Our fields are not sprayed.

Waste not – All edible parts of our chickens are utilized, even the bones! After butchering chicken parts, our chicken bones make for rich Chicken Bone Broth. Our fresh chicken livers, are what make our Bourbon Chicken Liver Pate so good. We also offer chicken feet, heart, and gizzards for sale.

Environmentally minded: Yellow Bell Farm eggs are packed in paper pulp cartons – please recycle them! Our chicken is not packed in wasteful styrofoam trays or excessive packaging. We offer bio-degradable takeaway bags at market. And most all of what we do on farm is non mechanized, which means more labor intensive but more environmentally friendly.

A simple question people ask me: Do I enjoy being a farmer? Yes I do, it is a lifestyle. Things on the farm are always changing and one must be ready to adapt, and jump in at any time, day, night, and season. Animal husbandry is wonderful, it continues to amaze me as I watch my chicks grow into beautiful hens for eggs and roasting chickens. The biggest reward is to raise an animal straight through to the end product. Farming is a 24/7 lifestyle, you have to have to love it to make it work.

We love our customers: Yellow Bell Farm customers tell us they taste the difference in our eggs and chicken, both in flavor and in texture. We have the best loyal customers at our farmers’ markets and we greatly appreciate your support and feedback. To our new customers – we look forward to meeting you at the farmers’ market!

Cheers to healthful happy living!

Your farmer,
